“Also known as Irish Moss, sea moss is a red algae best known around the world as a superfood. With its high vitamin and mineral contents, sea moss is known to fight the effects of aging, help the skin retain moisture, and prevent and relieve cold and flu-like symptoms.” "- Contact our stop and speak to Nas Ervin for all Purchases. "
Sea moss contains many vital nutrients that can improve digestion, increase metabolism, boost immunity and so much more. Some of those nutrients include bromine, sulfur, calcium, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, phosphate, manganese, potassium, beta-carotene, selenium, protein, pectin, zinc, vitamin-C and B-vitamins.
Sea moss is a type of red algae that grows on the Atlantic coastlines of North America, Europe, and the Caribbean Islands. Since the 1800s, Caribbean people have been harvesting it from their rocky shores to use as medicine. They even used it to get the nutrients they needed during times of famine. When the European slave trade was in affect, and the Caribbean slaves were exported to Ireland. There was famine and starvation Irish Sea Moss to give them nutrients and help with the famine. Once the slave trade was over many Caribbean people took the knowledge back to the Caribbean.
Sea Moss Gel contains 92 minerals of the 102 minerals that the human body consists of that are vital for our daily survival. This means most people could just about live off of this sea moss. When we give our body it's needed cell food, our body is able to fight for us. You're supposed to get the proper nutrients from the foods you eat, but the majority of people don't carry the proper diet. Sea Moss, Bladderwrack, and Burdock Root are the right minerals & nutrients to give you all 102 that your body needs for daily survival.